1. A method of treating a patient suffering from a respiratory disease, the method comprising ad-ministering to the patient a nebulized dose of a budesonide composition in a continuing regimen at a frequency of not more than once per day.
29. A kit for treating respiratory diseases, the kit comprising (a) a budesonide composition in a sealed container, the composition containing 0.05 mg to 15 mg budesonide and a solvent, and (b) a label indicating administration by nebulization in a continuing regimen at a frequency of not more than once per day.
17. A kit for treating a respiratory disease, the kit comprising (a) a budesonide suspension in a sealed container, the suspension containing 0.05 mg to 15 mg budesonide and a solvent, and (b) a label indicating administration by nebulization in a continuing regimen at a frequency of not more than once per day.
・原審維持 2010年11月1日判決
後発医薬品メーカーのApotexは、ANDA(FDA医薬品簡略承認申請)を行い、これが承認された。これに対し、AstraZenecaは、自己の持つ特許権(U.S. Patents No. 6,598,603 (“the’603特許”) 、No. 6,899,099 (“the’099特許”))を侵害するとして、ニュージャージー州連邦地方裁判所に仮処分の申立てを行った。原審は、下記の方法クレームに基づく仮差止めを認めた。しかし、キットクレームについては新規性の欠如を根拠として無効の判断をした。
1. A method of treating a patient suffering from a respiratory disease, the method comprising ad-ministering to the patient a nebulized dose of a budesonide composition in a continuing regimen at a frequency of not more than once per day.
29. A kit for treating respiratory diseases, the kit comprising (a) a budesonide composition in a sealed container, the composition containing 0.05 mg to 15 mg budesonide and a solvent, and (b) a label indicating administration by nebulization in a continuing regimen at a frequency of not more than once per day.
17. A kit for treating a respiratory disease, the kit comprising (a) a budesonide suspension in a sealed container, the suspension containing 0.05 mg to 15 mg budesonide and a solvent, and (b) a label indicating administration by nebulization in a continuing regimen at a frequency of not more than once per day.
この点に関し、印刷された事項とその”substrate”との間に「機能的な関係」が存在すると認められる場合には、その印刷された事項は、発明と従来技術とを区別するのに役立ち得るとする裁判例がある(In re Miller, 418 F.2d 1392, 1396 (CCPA 1969); In re Gulack, 703 F.2d 1381, 1385-87 (Fed. Cir. 1983))が、一般には、印刷された事項は101条の特許の対象から除外されている。
(判決文) http://www.cafc.uscourts.gov/images/stories/opinions-orders/09-1381-1424.pdf